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Explosion protection in the context of a ship loading in the chemical industry

878 494 Juri Lasse Raffetseder

In our globalised world, it is essential to transport raw materials from the country of origin to the site of further processing in order to manufacture a wide variety of products. Around 90% of the cross-border trade in goods is…

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Weyer Polska has got a Polish version of the website.

The Polish version of our website is online

878 494 Juri Lasse Raffetseder

As an international group of companies, it is particularly important to have a multilingual Internet presence. Now, in addition to the English and German versions, the Polish version of our website is also online. You can access this via the…

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Corona and Digitization Article series

The upturn in the German digital economy through Corona

878 494 Juri Lasse Raffetseder

Our series of articles on “Corona and Digitization” is coming to an end. A successful conclusion to the topic is offered by a study of the management consultancy Arthur D. Little on behalf of the digital association Eco. The study…

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Testing a process furnace

878 494 Juri Lasse Raffetseder

horst weyer und partner gmbh was commissioned by a company in the chemical industry that operates plants for the production and distillation of organic chemical compounds. Part of these plants are, among other things, process furnaces fired by various media.…

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Smartwatch manufacturer Garmin falls victim to hacker attack

878 494 Juri Lasse Raffetseder

Our Cyber Security Colloquium on 18 June 2020 is in the past. Nevertheless, the topic is relevant as never before. The possible extent of a cyber attack was demonstrated again about a month later, on 23 July. The smartwatch manufacturer…

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Article series: The companies of the weyer gruppe LT GASETECHNIK

878 494 Juri Lasse Raffetseder

Der Firmenverbund der weyer gruppe ist komplexer, als der erste Eindruck vermuten lässt. Daher stellt unsere Artikelreihe „Die Unternehmen der weyer gruppe“ nach und nach alle Unternehmen an ihren verschiedenen Standorten vor. So möchten wir Ihnen einen Überblick über unsere…

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Why even bakeries must observe explosion protection

878 494 Juri Lasse Raffetseder

Did you know that explosion protection in bakeries is of great importance?But what is the danger of explosion in bakeries? The answer is flour. To be more precise, we are talking about a potential dust explosion. This can occur when…

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Interview with Dr. Zulauf, the head of the new Rhein-Main office

878 494 Juri Lasse Raffetseder

The opening of a new location of the weyer group is imminent. Dr. Alexander Zulauf will take over the management of the Rhein-Main office of horst weyer und partner gmbh. Dr. Alexander Zulauf will take over the management of the…

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A handshake after a successful year of training

Field report: Training at the weyer group

878 494 Juri Lasse Raffetseder

On the first of August last year I started my apprenticeship at the weyer group as a merchant for marketing communication. I work for the horst weyer und partner gmbh. Now I have completed my first year of training and…

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Coal phase-out: How the weyer gruppe can support you in the switch to natural gas

1024 576 Maresa Matejit-Papka

At the beginning of 2018, the German Federal Government decided to phase out coal in Germany by 2038 at the latest on the advice of the Commission for Growth, Structural Change and Employment. Building on this, the Federal Council and…

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