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The most frequently asked questions about carbon leakage

878 494 Juri Lasse Raffetseder

Carbon leakage refers to the relocation of production processes abroad with the background of escaping CO2 prices in one’s own country. “The national emissions trading system (nEHS) introduced in 2021 supplements the European emissions trading system (EU-ETS) with emissions in…

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Ausbau der Wasserstoff-Infrastruktur

EU Commission and manufacturers announce a declaration of intent to accelerate the expansion of hydrogen infrastructure

878 494 Juri Lasse Raffetseder

Due to possible gas supply shortages, experts are increasingly calling for the withdrawal from fossil fuels. Most recently, Ukraine announced on May 10, 2022 that it would not be able to transfer gas in the Luhansk region to Germany due…

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Hydrogen drive for cars

Hydrogen as a fuel

878 494 Juri Lasse Raffetseder

Die Energiewende wird aus unterschiedlichen Gründen gefordert. Zum einen im Rahmen des Umweltschutzes, da mit fossilen Brennstoffen eine hohe CO2 Bilanz einhergeht. Zum anderen wünschen sich viele Deutsche eine außenpolitische Unabhängigkeit von anderen Ländern, die Deutschland mit Energie beliefern. Die…

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Merry Christmas and a good start into the new year!

878 494 Juri Lasse Raffetseder

Dear customers and business partners, The year is drawing to a close and the holidays are fast approaching. As every year, we would like to thank you for the successful cooperation. The weyer group wishes you and your family a…

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Frequently Asked Questions Article Series

Frequently asked questions about occupational health and safety

878 494 Juri Lasse Raffetseder

The weyer gruppe’s range of services extends across numerous areas and covers a wide variety of problems. For our clients and interested parties, experience has shown that these services and the associated regulations can raise a number of questions. This…

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Frequently Asked Questions Article Series

Frequently asked questions on plant-related water protection (AwSV)

878 494 Juri Lasse Raffetseder

The weyer gruppe’s range of services extends across numerous areas and covers a wide variety of problems. For our clients and interested parties, experience has shown that these services and the associated regulations can raise a number of questions. This…

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Hydrogen as an energy store

878 494 Juri Lasse Raffetseder

Many companies and private households want or need to become greener. To do so, they have many different options at their disposal. One of them is solar power, which is also becoming more and more popular in Austria, so that…

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Investigation of improved methods to avoid entrainment in rectification columns

878 494 Juri Lasse Raffetseder

Our experts investigated new approaches to reduce the unwanted entrainment of droplets in process areas and apparatus as part of the “Teresa” project. The results were published in article form in the trade journal Chemie Ingenieur Technik. Co-author of the…

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Woman with clipboard checks a technical installation

CE coordination for process plants

800 450 Juri Lasse Raffetseder

Our CE marking expert Manfred Schulte has published a guest article in the CITplus and presents the possible tasks of a CE coordinator based on a practical example of a stirring unit: The Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC (MRL) regulates the placing…

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Frequently Asked Questions Article Series

Frequently asked questions about the Hazardous Incident Ordinance / Seveso III Directive

878 494 Juri Lasse Raffetseder

The range of services offered by the weyer gruppe extends across numerous areas and covers a wide range of problems. For our customers and interested parties, experience has shown that these services and the associated regulations can raise a number…

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