• Call us: +49 (0) 2421 – 69 09 10 | Send an e-Mail: info@weyer-gruppe.com

Plant operators and investors

Legislation requires plant operators to comply with a multitude of regulations, which are often technically and economically challenging. Large investment projects, such as the construction of a new plant, can therefore lead to capacity shortages.

This is where the weyer group supports and guides investors and plant operators in the same manner as a planning and consulting company. Since 1976, the weyer group has been developing a highly specialised range of services to facilitate the work carried out by plant operators in ensuring the proper operation and implementation of investment projects. Simultaneously, the association of various engineering offices with their extensive experience especially unburdens international investors through their knowledge of the various national and supranational laws and regulations in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Poland.

In this context, the weyer group assumes the important role of acting as an interface between the investor and the local authorities. We provide assistance in finding a site, prepare feasibility studies and guide you safely through the approval planning process. Depending on the size of the project, we are responsible for the implementation of the technical planning or inspections. For matters relating to tax and contract law, we consult our renowned partner BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft.

Services for plant operators and investors

  • Feasibility and concept studies
  • Basic Design
  • Detailed Design
  • Purchasing support
  • Assembly planning and supervision/coordination
  • Initial operation planning and supervision/coordination
  • View our range of services here
  • VMP, QMP
  • Planning, implementation and supervision/
  • Coordination of DQ, IQ, OQ, PQ
  • Planning and implementation /moderation of risk analyses
  • Validation support
  • Supplier audits
  • View our range of services here
Do you have any questions?
Contact us!
Our experts are happy to advise you!

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